My plan for the year 2020-2021

I’m gonna be a second semester junior next semester. I just wanted to share my academic situation. There’re a lot to share^^; >I led my independent research project on the neural associations of creative and abstract thinking for the whole…


I felt like I was in prison. I was urged to write something heavy and dark but I’m trying to not do so here to make this helpful for some of the people reading this post. I need to write this for myself and as a determination to move on to…

Review for Spring 2019

This semester I had made some progress in my life. And I felt my efforts started paying off. I wanted to challenge stuff I wanted to do but hadn't, so I joined the choir. I always wanted to feel connected to a big team to do something big …

Follow Curiosity Not Success

I had been studying for exams, grades, contests, awards. I was sick of them. I had always blamed myself, "I am not enough." I knew this didn't work when I burned out and thought everything in my life was ruined. I completely lost the meani…

Declared Cognitive Science independent major

I have just declared my major in cognitive science (combining psychology/neuroscience, computer science, philosophy of mind). I have been interested in various topics connecting to intelligence and cognition, so it was the best choice for …

Finished the first year! Short review

I finished my first year at DePauw. For academics, I almost don't have any problems (except discussions...). I managed the finals exploiting anxiety and perfectionism (thanks to these, I can always learn more than demands). Like the first …

Important principles to maximize study at college

I summarized some principles I personally keep in mind to maximize my learning at college. 1. Knowledge is relative and changing First of all, this is one of the biggest shifts from high school and a starting point of all of the college le…

Goals for fall 2018

My second semester will start in two days. I realized I have grown so much, especially in terms of socializing and balancing my life, since I came here. I think if I had not studied abroad, I would not have met much more diverse people and…


こんにちはー 微積分とjavaの勉強で夏休み1ヶ月経ちました!友達には夏休みも勉強してんのってちょっと引かれてますが笑 最近、勉強して何がしたいのか考えてます ざっくりいうと、思考意識の可視化と拡張な気がします 感覚意識体験すらまだまだ未知の多い…

朝日AI フォーラム③

最終日は東北大学院の准教授大関さんから「量子コンピュータが人工知能を加速する」を聴いてきました もともと、意識の研究のひとつのアプローチに量子力学があって、齧ってるうちに哲学的に面白いなと思ってました 存在が確率上にしか存在しなくて、因果論…

朝日AIフォーラム② + アート展

朝日AIフォーラム2日目はドワンゴ人工知能研究所長 山内宏さんの講演を聴いてきました タイトルは「汎用人工知能の開発を脳に学んでBeneficialなものとする」です! 簡単な要約はこんな感じ。 従来型の人工知能はディープラーニングの目を実装し、身の回りの…

My first semester ended!

My first semester finally ended a week ago! I came back to Osaka after I attended the seminar and hung out in Tokyo. I feel this semester passed in a blink of an eye, but it is also long when I refer to the first time I arrived on the camp…


昨日東京に帰ってきて、最初の日は明治神宮と原宿を観光してました!タピオカミルクティー2件制覇。笑 さて本題なんですが、帰ってきた翌日から朝日新聞DIALOGUE AI FORUMというのをやっていて、その中でもわたしが興味を持ったのは教育、脳、量子力学の視点…

How I've been so far

※4月に書いた記事です こんにちはー 春休みになりました! ↓1日目の風景…ここにきて(もしかしたら人生で)はじめてこんなに雪を見ました笑 日本の桜が恋しいです ↓2日目 ↓友達に買って来てもらったタピオカミルクティー ミルクティーが大好きすぎて…笑 春休…

rabbit hole of judging people including yourself

Judging is what we are always doing. I agree. But I feel like there is a trap -- self contradiction here. Our judging is often comparative. I mean people define themselves based on other aspects of inner self or the outside world. It sound…

the power of purposes

Sometimes, oddly, people are inclined to sink into the quagmire of addictions on their own. I mean addictions to stuff like drugs, alcohol, Internet, and so on, or I could say addiction to negativity or hopelessness of themselves. I had su…

My resolution for departure

Around this time last year, I was moved to tears seeing this video. It was when I gave up studying abroad and started feeling gloomy to think that I had to cram nonsense knowledge to get in Japanese university next year, so the struggle an…

the moment when biases start to crumble

"Thinking" is surely one of the most important things in my life. I would first like to mention my experience. In the middle of the high school, the stress-laden situation at school had made me blind, and eventually I had greatly suffered …