Goals for fall 2018

My second semester will start in two days. I realized I have grown so much, especially  in terms of socializing and balancing my life, since I came here. I think if I had not studied abroad, I would not have met much more diverse people and ways of their lives than I had expected. During the English program I joined with new freshmen, I learned the complicate but unmissable social and psychological structure behind the history of racism in the States.


I will take linear algebra, cognitive psychology, celluculer biology, data structure this semester. Also, I will engage with an eye-tracking research with a psych professor. Hopefully, I will join the technology associate and comit to some internship next semester or next year. 


My goal for this semester is 

1) think and learn more and more deeply inside and outsie of class

2) build a network with friends and professors

3) balance my life


Go tigers!!