Important principles to maximize study at college

I summarized some principles I personally keep in mind to maximize my learning at college.
1. Knowledge is relative and changing 
First of all, this is one of the biggest shifts from high school and a starting point of all of the college learning. Knowledge is not fixed and there to be learned but situated and constructed from time to time. There is no absolute right knowledge even though it looks like that way because it has been speculated and admitted through the means which may be unique to the disciplines.
2. Knowledge is complex
Even when we feel that we understand quite well, I do not think we do. The sense of making sense reflects our limited knowledge from which consistent narratives are easily formed. Try not to reduce the complexity of the human thoughts just by your naive knowledge. 


3. Be amazed by cutting-edge studies 
I do not think that the most interesting themes are laid in introductory classes. Find intriguing questions experts in that discipline are concerned about nowadays, which may motivate you throughout the college.
3. Know our ways of thinking are limited but explore your way of thinking 
We come to think about things in similar ways. The easiest but hardest way to change your thoughts is to change your way of thinking. Be proud of your thinking constructed over years but remember that there is always a room to explore it. Try to use application, analogy, combination, abstraction. But to do that, you need to step back to introspect your thinking, the process to reach our daily thoughts and ideas. 
4. Think deeply +  know more
This is golden. Neither efforts to think deeply and seek for more knowledge can be lacked. Do not let chunks of knowledge from the classes be disconnected. Explore the domain of thoughts and the levels of abstract and concrete, which can be one axis, where the relationships seem to be well articulated. 
6. Go beyond class materials 
Do not be satisfied with just touching class materials. That is the border between learners and explorers.
7. Think what kind of assumptions knowledge is based on 
This is another important thing to always keep in mind. As I mentioned in 1, knowledge is always accompanied by perspectives and languages (not necessarily languages like English). For example, in feminism, does it assume certain races or classes of citizens? Or in psychology, what kind of population or society the theory is concluded from? 
8. Studying is not a task -- It happens all the time 
A study is not kind of thing that you are done with. Efficiency is important sometimes to study for exams, but the difference between studying for studying and studying for something else is if studying is connected to everywhere.
What are your principles for your study? Let me know if you have opinions!